About Me

I am a final year Masters student in Computer Vision and Machine Learning at Centre for Visual Information Technology (CVIT), IIIT Hyderabad. I am pursuing my research in Long-Term Visual Tracking, advised by Vineet Gandhi. Recently, our work Long-Term Visual Object Tracking Benchmark has been accepted for oral presentation at Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2018.

I spent a wonderful summer as a Visiting Scholar at University of California, San Diego in 2018, where I worked with Sicun Gao on sample efficient Reinforcement Learning algorithms for Atari games.

In leisure, I love to learn and explore new areas in Machine Learning. I worked independently on “Humor Generation with Recurrent Neural Networks”. I curated a large corpus of 230,000 jokes (featured on Kaggle) and trained a language model on it (blog post). This project got coverage in a TED article! I also learnt Reinforcement Learning theory from online David Silver Course and implemented various algorithms like Deep Q-learning, Monte Carlo Policy Gradient etc. from scratch in Tensorflow and PyTorch.

I am an open source enthusiast. In summer 2016, I worked with CERN on feature engineering module as a Google Summer of Code student. I have also contributed to various open source C++/Python Machine Learning projects like mlpack, Shogun and OpenCog where I worked on implementing optimizers like AdaGrad, AdaDelta etc, and benchmarking the results.

Get in touch if you have any advice, research ideas or comments!